Saturday, January 05, 2013

                                  short lure session

  my second session of 2013 i went to my local stretch of water on the grand western canal for a short lure session in search of some pike . I started off on a mark known as the green bridge and (William Arther's bridge) i started my session by using a savage gear 13 cm soft four play lure in which i had my 1st follow on buy i recast and had no further interest from the small jack . So after about another half a mile using this lure i decided to change over to a new lure i had not used before which is again a savage gear 13cm hot copper lure (pic bellow) after changing to this lure within 3 to 4 cast i had a hit on the inside along a large over hanging reed bed and went on to land a jack of around 2 to 4 lb after returning the pike to the canal i moved on up the bank having 2 or 6 cast in each spot. After around 45 mins of walking up through and casting in each available spot i had a second hit and landed a pike of around 2 to 2 and a half pound on the same lure i then decided it was time to slowly make my way bk so i walked back through the canal bank casting in most spots on the way back but had no more action so i left the canal and headed home hope u enjoyed this blog please leave comments below and until next time

tight lines


 savage gear hot copper 13cm lure


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