Saturday, June 22, 2013

                           FISHING ON THE GRAND WESTERN CANAL                     4TH JUNE 2013

         Welcome back to another fishing blog from me fishing on the grand western canal in tiverton.I was fishing just a evening session this time so i decided to fish in the bay down in the basin this area is a well know area on the tiverton canal as it holds a large head of bream from around 2lb up to 8lb or even more already this year i has been fishing very well with a lot of good bags of bream and tench with the bream averaging from 3lb to about 6lb 8oz but there is bigger in there and the tench are around 3lb to 5lb with the odd bigger one with a possible bag of 10 or more bream ion a short 3 or 4 hour session for total weights of any thing between 30lb up to 60lb if u get them on the feed and continue to keep catching.Any way back to the session i got on the canal at around 3:45pm on a Monday i got to a spot that looked good and i knew it had turned up a couple good bags of bream and the odd tench over the last 2 weeks i set up in the right hand side of the turning bay in the basin at the tiverton end of the grand western canal  i was going to fish at 11.5 meters in a shadow of a house on the far bank i was going to fish a power top 2 with a orange middy 6 to 8 elastic fitted through both the top 2 sections i fished a 0.050g rizor pole float on a 3lb2oz mainline to a 2lb hook length on a size 18 animal barbless spade end hook i plumbed up the rig at 11.5 meters straight out in front of me i was about 3ft deep i plumbed up so it was 1 inch over depth as it was Windy and wanted the bait to be just on bottom so there was min amount of movement on the bait.I started off by feeding 2 small cups of micro pellet that i had soaked in a small amount of water when i set up just to soften them a bit also with the micro pellet i fed 15 to 20 grains of sweet corn i left the feed for about 10 minutes while i sorted self out be for i started fishing i started off by fishing a med size bit of bread flake i shipped out their were a few blows showing on the area i had cupped my pellet to just 10 mins earlier i didn't have any bites or and kind of touches on the bread flake i fish it for the first half hour be for i decided to try a small bit of corn again i waited another half hour be for i had a bite on the corn it was a very slow bite but i some how managed to miss it i went back out on the corn and after 10 minutes or so i was into my first fish of the evening session it was a bream of around the 3lb mark so i decided to stay on the corn within a few minutes i was in to my second fish which was another bream again around the 3lb mark so 2 in the net the session was looking good i decided to try fishing on the flake again and within a few minutes i was into another bream of 4lb for the rest of the session i was chopping and changing form sweet corn and the bread flake and went on to catch another 6 bream it was a really good session i ended up with 10 bream with a total weight of 33lb the biggest was 6lb 1oz another of 5lb + i packed up at 9 pm after a very good catch so until the next blog tight lines

              ANOTHER SESSION ON THE GRAND WESTERN CANAL                    8TH JUNE 2013

Welcome back to another blog on the grand western canal in tiverton this was only a short session i fished the basin again were i fish the last session were i had a good bag of bream.I left home around 4:15 in the morning and headed down along the canal to the basin end when i got to the turning bay in the basin i left my gear at the top of the slip and had a look around i saw a few fish feeding in the bay and also a few fish showed on the trees at the far bank i decided to fish in the bay were the barge turns around i was going to fish at 11.5 meters to a shadow of a window in the water were i Had seen a few fish feeding.I set my gear up and i was using a power top 2 kit with middy hi-viz 6 to 8 elastic through the top 2 sections i used a 0.40g low vis pole float on a 3lb mainline to 2lb 4oz hook length to a size 18 barbless hook i plumbed this rig up the same a i fished the last session on this swim at 11.5 meters were it was between 3 and 4 foot deep i started off by feeding 2 cups of micro pellet wit half a dozen grains of sweet corn on the spot i left it for 10 minutes then i had my first put in i started off on a soft pellet for the first half and hour i didn't get a bite so i changed and went out on the sweet corn within about 20 minutes i was into my first bream i was a fish of about 3lb i went straight back out again on a small bit of sweet corn and straight away i was into another fish again it was a bream of about the same size as the last one i then bumped a good fish so i feed another cup of micro pellet and decided to try fishing a 6mm hard pellet on a mossella micro pellet band it took another half an hour be for i had another bite on the pellet it was another bream about 4lb so a bit bigger then the last  2   i went on to fish the next hour on the hard pellet were i went and missed a bite and also bumped  a good fish i went on to fish the rest of the session on the bread punch i ended my session at around 10am i had a good net of 9 bream between 3lb up to around 5lb 4oz it was a very enjoyable session until my next blog if ur out wetting a line good luck and tight lines

                  SHORT EVENING SESSION ON THE LOCAL CANAL                   9TH JUNE 2013

       welcome back to another blog after yesterday fishing in the basin i thought i would come out for another short evening session i was only going to fish the bread punch ove a bed of bread crumb i got up there at around 4 pm it was very hot and i had the feeling i was going to straggle for the first couple hours until the sun started to go down and it got a little cooler .I fished a swim just out of the canal basin to the left hand side of the broken bridge i set up and plumbed up at 8 meters straight out in front of me a section past the middle were the boat channel is i was using a top 2 pole kit with a number 6-8 elastic with a 2lb straight through to a b714 size 18 micro barbed match hook be for i could feed my swim and start fishing i had to wait for the horse drawn barge to come back from its afternoon trip after the barge returned i left it for about 20mins for the water to settle  then i feed 2 small cups of bread crumb on the spot at 8 meters i was going to fish i started off by fishing on a 4mm bread punch it was not that long be for i had my first bite it was a small roach of around 4 oz i had a few more roach and a couple skimmers then the next fish felt bigger but i pulled out of it while playing it in to the net i was still catching a few small fish i also had 2 bream of around 3 lb i lost a tench on the inside along the thick weed bed as i was trying to net it and then i went on and fished the flake for the rest of the night and i lost another 3 good fish on the flake i think it was bream as they had been blowing over my feed for the last few hours i packed up at 9pm i really enjoyed this session and was very pleased with my catch which ended up as 2 bream and a nice net of silvers all on the bread punch and flake the best way of fishing any were along this canal through the winter and as well it works great through the summer hope u enjoying the blogs feel Free to share or comment until next time if ur on the bank tight lines



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