Saturday, January 18, 2014

fishing on the tiverton canal basin

9th January 2014

      Welcome back and happy new year so we are into the second week of January and now the weather as been crap with storm after storm and weeks of low pressure with 2013 coming to the end i think we all thought and hoped that 2014 would bring better weather but it didn't it brought new winds new storms and record braking rainfall with all the rivers through out the UK  on a high red flood alert and most sea front on the west and south coast and ever one near these areas are bracing there self's for record high winds and very high tides up to 15  meter at its worse anyway with watching the weather forecast Thursday Was going to be the better day of the week with just the slight chance of a light shower with light to medium winds so i decided i was going to brave it and give it a go  on the local canal. So i sorted the fishing gear got my bait prepared the night before and was ready for the morning i woke up but was in no rush i left at about 9;50 and made my way up to the canal i was going to go down toward the basin end were the boats arr  it is that little bit deeper there was a light north/north west wind blowing down through the basin.I set up just to the left  hand side  of the gwc company horse drawn barge i set my gear up i was only going to set up one top kit which would  be a match top 3 kit with a number 3 elastic just through the top 1 tip section it was a browning latex white solid elastic very soft and very good for this sort of fishing on the canal.i set the top up with a 2lb mainline  and a 1.4oz hook length to a size 20 hook  the float was a carp 4x12 light float  with a orange float tip this rig was shotted with a string of  Preston stozs i plumbed this rig up at 9.5 meters and i was set to dead depth as this is how i fish the punch so with it plumbed up I fed a small cup of liquidises bread and left it for a while I set the rest of
My gear up and had a chat with my mate fishing just to my right before I went back and started fishing i started of by using a 4mm bread punch i shipped my rig out to were i had fed my bread as i had fed bait about 20 minutes or so i was excepting to get a bite very quick and i did it was not long before my float dipped  once then again and then it sailed away bang i was into my first  fish of the day a small roach but with the sun on the water and a brisk north wind blowing i was struggling to see my float and the bites so i changed to a maver elite pole float with a thick bright orange tip which made it so much easier to see with a new rig on i went back out on the same spot and was catching roach straight away but they were all very very small fish but in the early afternoon i had a good skimmer of about 12oz or so and another straight after a bit smaller at about 8 oz but it was now mid afternoon and the wind was a lot stronger and i was struggling to hold the pole now out at 10 meters i decided to come in a bit closer to about 6 meters to my left which would help me alot with seeing the float i fed this the same as i did when i started it was now 2 pm i was frozen so i decided i would fish on the inside swim for another hour until 3pm and i was then going to pack up i fished the inside swim the same as  did the 9 meter one that i started off on i caught  a couple more fish but again they were still very small which is very strange for the basin end of the canal as it is normally known for  better roach and skimmers and the odd bream because its a bit deeper and normally fished really well even in the cold depth of winter but today was one of the bad days so 3pm came i started to pack up it had got colder started raining and the wind was very Strong i was frozen to the bone so was time to head off home i had about 15 very small roach and the 2 better size skimmers i packed up arranged the next session with my mate and headed off home so until my next

Tight lines


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