Monday, May 06, 2013


Welcome back to my blog i planned to do a early morning session today the 6th of may but i slept through my alarm so i didn't get up on the bank until around 8 am the sun was already high in the sky and on the water but with the hottest day of the year forcasted for today i knew the fishing could be very hard going.The stretch i was going to fish a streatch i had been looking along for the last few evenings for signs of blowing or moving fish and on some of the better swims along there i did see a few moving along the far banks i made my way down the tow path to a spot half way down were there was a thick reed bed were i knew there was a lot of fish all year around a lot of fish had been showing along these few pegs for the last few days and evenings so with the swim picked it was time to set my gear up i was going to set up 2 top kits on different spots on about 5 meters out in front of me in the boat channel and the other one at 11 meters to the reed bed on the far bank i started by setting up the match top 3 it was a number 6 elastic through the top 2 section i fished a 0.30g rizor pole float and a 2lb 9oz mainline straight through to a size 16 barbless hook i plumbed this rig up at around 5 and a half meters straight out in front of me in the boat channel which is the deepest part of the canal i was going to fish it at about a inch and a half over depth as i have found when i fish it like this i seem to get a lot more confident bites and a better hook hold i set the other top two up which had a yellow number 8 elastic through the full top 2 sections i fished this rig using a o.06g yellow tip pole float on a 2lb 9 oz mainline to a 16 barbless hook same pattern as the other rig . I plumbed it up at about 11 meters on the far bank tight to the reed bed i feed both swims with the same a small nugget of crumb and some liquidised corn and a pinch of micro pellet to start off with i gave it 10 or so minutes to settle be for i fished over it i started by fishing over it on a double maggot i started on the far bank swim it took about 10 mins before i had my first bite i knew it was a good fish as soon I lifted into it it took elastic i pulled out of it after a few minutes  .I went back out again on a double maggot and i could not get a bite so i decided to feed the far bank again and try fishing the the boat channel were i fed at the beginning of the session i also started on this swim by fishing the double maggot within a few seconds i had a bit it was a small rudd i was catching small rudd and roach most put in on this spot i had a good skimmer as well so i then decided to go out on a bit of bread flake i had a couple better size rudd and some good size skimmers and a (bream pic below)i went back on the far bank and missed a couple bites on the corn i went on to chop and change from my middle swim and my far bank swim  for the rest of the day and I went on to catch a few more small roach rudd and skimmers but at mid day as forecast it was very hot in fact it was the warmest day so far and the and the tow path had got very busy with dog walker bikers ect started to get a lot of boats up and down and at 2 pm the horse drawn barge went through at this time i was struggling to get a bite so i decided it was time top call it a day and head home.Please feel free to comment on this or any of my blogs keep your eyes out for my next one until then
tight lines


                                  (above a  couple of the better size fish that i caught on the day )

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