Tuesday, May 07, 2013


                                                                   7th May 2013                                                                                                  

Welcome back to my latest fishing blog this blog is just a short 5 hour evening session on the grand western canal i got on the   bank at around 5 pm on a warm evening there was a light south    west wind and slightly cloudy in the sky but still warm i looked really good for a fish or two i walked down

toward the basin was looking at     fishing a couple pegs before the    broken bridge as i got there i look really good so i fished along the   left side of the broken bridge i set up my gear i decided to fish one top 3 on a number 8 elastic at around 8- 9 meters using a 0.03 razor pole     float on a 3lb mainline to a size 16 barbless hook i started by feeding a small nugget of crumb and a pinch of pellet i also set up a top 3 kit on the margins to my left i plumbed it tight to the inside reed bed i used a number 6 elastic with a 0.60g     sensas pole float to a 3lb mainline  to a size 16 micro barbed hook on    this swim i feed 2 medium size cups  of crumb and micro pellet i was only going to fish the inside if i was to see fish come in on the feed i started by fishing the line i fed in the middle i started of on a double maggot and had my first bite within a few minutes it was a Rudd of around 8 to 10 oz which was a good sign i carried on    fishing the maggot i had a small shimmer of about a pound i       hooded another fish and  pulled out of it after a few minutes  i  think it was foul hooked as it was a dead weight after removing   all the slime left on my hook length i had another fish on the    maggot a bream of around 3 and a half pound i then fished the     rest of the evening on the bread flake i was catching skimmers    every put in after i had changed top the flake from about 6 to    about the pound mark i also had another bream of around 2lb (pic  above) it started to get dark and the wind picked up so i decided to start packing up it was a very good evening session and the    canal still counties to fish very well and lets hope it stays     that way until my next blog tight lies                              

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