Friday, May 03, 2013


monday 29th april 2013

welcome back to another one of my blogs fishing on the grand western canal in tiverton were i do 95% of all my fishing all year round the canal is fishing the best i have known it for many years with a Lot of big rudd and roach coming out with bags of bream around 30 to 40lb and 3+ tench in a short session i haven't known the tench to show like this on the tiverton end of the canal for many years i was going to fish a spot on a streach of the town end known to local anglers as the dead streach but it is far from dead it is one of my most liked stretches on the whole canal with loads of good fish there to be caught all through the year even good fish to be had in the winter as well. I decided to fish the second peg down on the others side off the green foot bridge also know as wooden bridge buy the local club anglers alot of people feed the ducks swans and wildlife off this bridge i always found the bigger roach and rudd skimmer bream ect always show along the first 2-4 pegs of this streach i set up my gear it was around 4pm i looked at the swim there there were 2 really good looking spots on the peg i was fishing so i decided to fish 2 different areas.One was a match top 3 kit with 4-6 elastic through the top 2 sections i fished with a 0.50g td pole float i find this pattern of float one of the best floats for all round fishing i was using a 2 lb 9oz main line to a size 18 wide gape barbless hook i fished this rig at around 6-7 meters slightly to my left on this spot i feed bread crumb and some liquidsed corn i only

feed one medium cup and a few loose maggots and pinkies.The other top was a power top 2 kit with a number 8 yellow elastic through both sections on this top i fished a 0.50g td pole float with a 3lb line to a 2.6lb hook length to a barber size 18 wide gape spade end hook i plumbed this rig straight out in front of me at 11 and a half meters to a over hanging bramble bush on the far bank i was quite shallow but fish was showing i fed this swim the same as i did on the short line so the rigs set bait out it was time to start fishing i started of by fishing a double maggot 1 red and 1 white i started off by fishing on the 11.5 meter line straight out on the far bank i had a bit within less the 2 minutes and started off with a good rudd and went on to catch a few good rudd and roach and small skimmers on this line for around the first 45 minuets after this i decided to fish on the 7 meter line in deeper water which is straight in the centre of the boat channel i started fishing this line the same with red and a white maggot i didn't wait very long for my first bite which turned out to be another big rudd which was bigger then the first one i had on the far bank swim i carried on catching every put in and most of the fish were rudd roach and skimmers of around the 6oz to mark  after around a hour and half i feed both swims again and went out to fish the far bank swim for the second time of the session and fished with a chopped worm tipped with a red maggot the first fish was another rudd of around 12oz as soon as i shipped back out i was into another fish within a few seconds of the bait dropping through the water to the bottom i lifted into the bite and it shot off to my left side taking loads of elastic with it but when i got it under control and got it a bit closer and i swirled on the surface at around 4 meter i then saw it was a pike of about 4lb as it turned and shot to my right it bit me off i carried on to fish the rest of the session by chopping and changing from my middle swim to my left and my far bank swim i caught a few bigger skimmers and also the same sort of size roach and rudd i pulled out of around 5 good fish which was on my middle line which i believe were skimmers but it was a very enjoyable session with a nice bag of of fish (as shown in the pic below this blog)i will be doing 3 session this weekend as its bank holiday so keep an eye out for my next blog hope u enjoyed Reading this one feel free to leave comments as feed back would be great until the next blog tight lines


  1. Fishing is getting famous now days. Many people go to lake for fishing. I would suggest to try deep sea fishing key west florida its very good and guys will enjoy fishing there. I enjoyed a lot and had great fun with other fisherman's.
