Saturday, November 09, 2013


 4th july 2013            

Welcome back to another one of my blog the weather is settling down and warming up again we decided to get a day ticket and head off to a pond about 10 mile away with is run by exeter and district angling club. we wanted to make an early start as it was forecast that the temptures could hit 25oC or more by mid day so we left home at 5:30am and loaded the gear in the car and headed off we got to the car park at about 6 it was nice clear sky's and cool breeze we got the gear out and headed down over the fields to the lake and had a look at a few swims Steve had a look and decided to fish peg 6 so i fished peg 8 to my left there was a island which came round to the right of me were there was a shallow area with bushes and over hand fallen branches in the water. So i set my gear up and fished the method on a 11ft drennan feeder rod and a reel was a dawia z500 match/feeder reel on 7lb main line with a 6lb guru hook length and a size 14 Preston wide gape hook.i mixed up a mix of van den eynd method mix with 50% of brown crumb i added about 1kg soaked micro trout pellet i then let it rest for 10 Min's while i was getting all other bits sorted and it was time to start fishing i started by packing the drennan method feeder with the mix i had made up using a drennan method mould and hair riged a 8 mm pellet and cats it out to the island in front of me tight to the snags within about 10 Min's i re cast and as soon as it hit the water i was into my first fish of the session it was a common of around 5lb i cast back out and hadn another within 30 seconds of it hitting the bottom this time it was a small mirror of about 2 to 3 lb i decided to change the bait to a 6mm red strawberry ringers boilie and went on to have a few more smaller carp but Steve was now catching around 4 carp to my one i was well behind him after a couple hours i carried on changing from the 8 and 10mm pellets and the micro red boilies and also managed a few fish on the worm but had to fish it up as tight as i could cat to the island to my right we fished on until 4 pm and after we packed up Steve had around 140lb and i managed about 95lb in the end so not to bad as it was slow when i started we headed up the steep path back to the car park and headed home until the next blog

tight lines


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