Thursday, March 20, 2014


16TH MARCH 2014


Welcome back as the weather is still good i am glad to say i am getting out fishing more which means you lucky readers get more blogs any hope you enjoy my latest blog from fishing at tidcombe bends today on the grand western canal I arrive at tidcombe at about 9 am I walked up and had a look at the area and the wind was light up on the bends as it curls round and is a bit more sheltered then most areas along the town end of the canal I decided this was the swim I was going to fish I started setting up I was only going to fish one are with a light pole rig at about 6 meters I fished a match top 3 kit with a number 3 elastic through just the top 1 section I was using a 2lb mainline to a 1.4oz hook length to a size 22 silver fish hook the float I was using was a lake 0.40gr Orange tip wire stem float I plumbed up at 6 meters straight out in the boat channel I was fishing it a dead depth and after plumbing up I fed a 250ml pole cup of white crumb and left it for a bit while I set up the rest of my gear after getting sorted I started off by fishing a 4mm bread bunch I was catching fish on and off for most of the day with the bits being spread out with a couple of hours at mid day when the bites really did slow up but from 3pm they started to feed again I ended up with a bream of about 3lb and a couple skimmers and 15 or more small roach up to about 6oz anyway I decided that at 4:30pm it was time to pack up and call it a day so hope you enjoyed the blog you feed back would be welcome at ( thanks for taking the time to read and if you out fishing be safe tight lines


18th march 2014

welcome back  today we are are again on the grand western canal fishing a area called snakes woods which is between tidcombe and Manley bridge a arrived at the swim at about 9:30 am and met Colin he was already there we were going to fish the middle of the woods as there was some good weights caught in this area in the tiverton club match I started setting up I plumbed up at 6 meters and slightly to my left hand side I fished bread punch over liquidised and stuck to it for the whole session I ended the session with 5 small skimmers and about 20 roach inc a small Rudd the roach were up to about around 8 or 9 ozs I released the fish and packed up and headed home I am hoping for a day session on a Exeter water called KIA Ora on Sunday so keep a eye out for the blog and please feel free to leave feed back on any of my blogs and if your on the banks be safe and tight lines  

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