Thursday, March 13, 2014


26TH MARCH 2014


Welcome to another of my fishing blogs on the grand western canal my mate and i decided to fish the top end of the dead stretch on the grand western canal (

we were going to fish on the dead stretch just before you get to tidcombe bridge were there is a big turning bay for the boats and barges etc to turn in this we chose a couple pegs that are know to some times be very good but other times it can be very hard but when u this pegs fish well they fish really well and you can have a good days fishing my mate Colin fish on of the pegs we are on today early last week he had a great session with 8 or 9 skimmer bream and 10 really good sized roach so were had good feelings about todays session and hoping it was going to fish again today like it did last week


We met up at the top of the dead stretch and picked were we wanted to fish we both got set up and I wAs going to feed liquidised bread and fish the bread punch over the top after setting up the pole rig on a top 3 match kit I got it all plumbed up and I fed a cup of ad crumb and left it while before I started fishing anyway to fill you in on the fishing it was not a good session it was a hard day the bites were very few and far between but at 3 pm I had enough and decided to call it a day I had a total of 10 bits all day and a total of 10 small fish and they were very small fish they were all roach and I did pull out of a good fish on the far bank swim which I am sure would have been a skimmer I think Colin ended up with one roach of about 6oz and 7 smaller one we packed up and had a chat about the days fishing which would have taken all of about 10 seconds but like I said we both said before we started it was going to either fish really well or bad and it fish bad we decided we would keep in touch and sort out another fishing session soon anyway until my next session be safe and tight lines




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