Thursday, March 13, 2014


9TH MARCH 2014

Hello and welcome back to my latest blog where i am fishing again on the grand western canal which starts in tiverton devon.Now with the weather looking good my self and a couple mates decided to meet up and have a days fishing on the canal so i left home and headed to the canal i was meeting the others on a stretch of canal at halberton which we call between the bridges a short stretch which is a good area in the summer we were hoping it was going to be good fishing today as well as in the summer i met up with martin and we started setting up Colin was going to join us in a hour or so.I started setting up i was going to set up 2 top kits both with quite light elastic one a number 3 to 4 purple elastic through just a top 1 section of a match top 3 kit and a number 3 browning latex elastic again through just the top section of a match top 3 kit so now it was time to get some rigs on the tops on the number 3 elastic I was going to use a drennan 4x12 float with a 2lb mainline and a 1.4 bottom to a size 20 hook this rig was going to be a rig for fishing up in the water so there was no need to plumb the depth so I hooked it up and put the kit in the roost and the other top kit I put on a lake 0.3g pole float on a 2lb main line to a 1.6oz bottom to the same as the other a Preston 20 hook this rig I was going to fish dead depth so I plumbed it up and again clipped it up and placed it on the roost I fed 2 medium cups of bread crumb and left it while I had a chat with martin and Colin before I went back and started fishing I had fish straight away it started off with small fish but as the day went on I started getting bigger fish I chopped and changed from fishing up in the water and on the bottom changing from 4 to 8 mm bread punch at the end of the session I had 10 roach and Rudd between half a pound and a pound with about 60 to 80 small fish it was one of the best session I have had on the grand western canal in years Colin had a few small fish and martin a few better Rudd but I didn't seem to be able to do any thing wrong the fish had seemed to have shoaled up right in front of me but I really enjoyed the days fishing and 5pm came so we decided it was time to pack up and head off home so I will be fishing this area again in the next few weeks so thanks for reading the blog please feel free to comment on my blogs and if your on the banks lakes canal ect be safe and tight lines



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